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If a list with all the Art Nouveau restaurants / bars / cafes / brasseries etc. in the world existed… wouldn’t you take that list with you everywhere you go? Wouldn’t you want to study that list befóre you plan your holidays? And wouldn’t you try to visit them all, one at the time? I know I would…

Caffè San Marco Trieste

Caffè San Marco, Trieste

That is why I am planning on listing all the Art Nouveau restaurants / bars / cafes / brasseries etc. in the world. And I need your help to do it!

Hotel Paris Prague

Hotel Paris, Prague

Because, let’s be honest, I can’t do this on my own. Yet together we can cover a lot more territory. So please share the places you know in the comments below, and let’s compile that extensive list we can all study before planning our next trip, or consult when we find ourselves in unknown places.

Cafe Markiz Istanbul le Printemps Cafe Markiz Istanbul l'Automne

Cafe Markiz, Istanbul – le Printemps & l’Automne

And when I say all, I mean all! From the most famous ones in Brussels and Paris to the tiny unknown ones in the middle of nowhere. Let me give you some examples.

We all know the most famous ones like these:

By Jafd88 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0

Cafe Kiosko Modernista by Jafd88 CC BY-SA 4.0

  1. Brasserie Julien in Paris
  2. Hotel Paris in Prague
  3. Restaurant Le Falstaff in Brussels
  4. Brasserie Excelsior in Nancy
  5. 4 Cats in Barcelona

But did you also know these?

  1. De Ultieme Hallucinatie in Brussels
  2. Cafe Kiosko Modernista in Las Palmas
  3. Coffee Bar Ravouna 1906 in Istanbul
  4. Caffè San Marco in Triest
  5. Restaurant De Belhamel in Amsterdam

I am looking forward to seeing all your suggestions in the comments below. All the information will be listed and downloadable in due time. And if I can find the time to build an app, I’ll try to have the app ‘ready’ before the next summer season begins.